Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm here!!

I'm here...I'm tired...but I'm here and survivng my first day! The weather is HOT, the food is good, and the outside is brown ; ) More will come, but for now continue to be thinking of me and my teammates and rejoicing for the sun is shining mightly on us!


Jimmy said...

YEAH!!! isn't it exciting. I thought of you as I was coming over here, and for a second thought that I could see the sand box from out my window, then realized no it was just the food on the plane tasting a little funny.
Who knows maybe one day I will make it there to see you guys.

Copeland's Coffee Break said...

I too am rejoicing that you guys are there! I will continue to pray for quick adjustment. I love you and miss and am so thankful for your friendship!

dbrooks said...

I am so excited to hear from you. I along with many others at our gathering have been thinking about you a lot! One 8 yr old and his 12 yr old sister told me last Sunday evening that they have been thinking about you every day since you visited us. I was so proud of them. You don't think children ever listen, but they do! I will pass the great news along at our next gathering.

Steph said...

Love you 'Zog! So much. Remembering you and the girls - the heat and exhaustion and the box...of sand. Miss you mucho. Can't wait for your updates. Brock is already xtreme...I hope Larry survives to make it around the world. =) *hug*

Jimmy said...

I will send some of this snow your way!

katylynne said...

Yay! I am glad you made it. I am sure it's beautiful there.

Christy said...

Hey Sarah! I looked back in my emails and found your blog address. I don't know how I missed it the first time. I'm such a blog junkie. I'm excited to have a new one to check every day now. You better update often! in yarps, C.