Tuesday, June 26, 2007

From annoyance flows freedom

I woke up this morning...annoyed. Annoyed that is was over 100 degrees outside. Annoyed that I had to walk in that to get to school. Annoyed at the idea of having to cover my head, my arms, and my legs just to walk out the front gate. Annoyed that knowing the minute I walk out that gate my "rights"...my freedoms...my feelings of being a woman were stripped away and I only would become an object...a "thing" walking down the street. This is something I wake up to everyday.

I pondered on that annoyance...as I do pretty much everyday. I thought about the fact that yeah, it's hot and yeah wearing a million layers sucks...but so what. The opportunities these layers...this cover on my head...have brought are opportunities for me not to be seen and for the Sun's glory to shine. This covered look has brought me into homes of women who also wake up every morning and cover their bodies. It has given me a chance to show them, that despite myself, I love them and want only to meet them where they are. The joy it brings to my heart when they comment on my head wear or long sleeved tunic, despite my flesh wanting to rip them off and be "free". I am free! I have a Dad, that despite my little annoyances, loves me and is willing to use me for his glory. I am not a maryter...I am simply a girl, with flesh in hand, learning that grace and humilty must abound in order for freedom and love to reign.

I overcome. I overcome the feelings of annoyance, because my freedom is found in the Sun and I can only hope that this freedom will be shared with these women who invite me in. They invite me in, because they see that I am like them...that I laugh and cry, that I hurt and rejoice. Unlike them though, I am free...I am free because I know that the Sun's shines. I am free because I know that depsite comments made, despite stares, despite evil, I have a Dad who will listen to my cries and rejoice with my accomplishments.

So, I cover my body. Not because I have to. Not because I want to. I cover my body because these women must and my greatest joy will be found in the day that we are all standing before our Father in freedom.


Whitney said...

Praise Him alone! He is worth it all! And when we realize this, our lives are forever changed! Keep covering dear friend. Love you.

Gypsy Girl said...

Stand firm and let nothing move you! I am so thankful that even when you are annoyed the Sun shines brightly and reminds you of why you are where you are and why you do what you do. And thank you...you encouraged me as well after a very difficult day. Love you and thinking of you so much!

The Minstrel said...

That was a beautiful written story Herz...Keep on going strong my friend.

jeff said...

Sis- I love you and all that you are doing I am awed by you and your experinces, you are truly having a life filled with our fathers glory, I can not wait to see you again. I love you much--jeff