The other day while I was sitting in my little cubicle in the office...yes, many day's I actually feel like I live the life of the show "The Office"...anyway, while I was sitting and typing and pondering life, a little mosquito looking bug flew straight into my face. Now, I have not seen a mosquito since living in the sandbox, so was a little surprised that this curious little creature was buzzing around. My immediate reaction was, "I must kill this blood sucking, disease infested thing or I will surely get the awful malaria and die". As soon as I thought that, I thought, "Sarah..get a live in America now...and if all else fails you still got some sandbox drugs in your top bathroom drawer at home!".
It has been funny the many experiences I have had since returning to the land of plenty and my reaction to those experiences. The normal person would look at the innocent little mosquito and 1) let it live it's little existence buzzing around, or 2) end it's little life right off the get go. I, on the other hand, tend to look at things through my "African colored lenses". I don't see a cute little bug that is just buzzing around. I see disease. When I go to restaurants, I don't see the nice and laid out dish ware. I look for foods on the menu that would be easiest to eat with my hands. When there is a noise or flicker in the house, I don't just assume someone turned on a new lamp or put the garbage disposal on. I prepare myself for the electricity to go off.
These are not always my reactions, and as times move forward, I am sure they will become less and less of them, but for the time being I embrace it. I proudly wear my "glasses", embrace the stares and awkward silences when I say something out out of the norm, and remember the blessings of my time in the sandbox and all the many lessons I learned. At least we know I'm prepared!
* no mosquito's or mosquito looking bugs were harmed in this blog